Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Fire Drill

Today we had a fire drill and to get the girls prepared for the very loud sound of the siren, we practiced a few times during the morning (Mrs Bayes can make an excellent siren sound!).
By the time we had the drill at 1.25pm the girls were very quick to line up at the gate 
and no one was worried by the siren.

Well done girls.

Swimming day!

Swimming day is a very popular time of the week. The confidence and improvement we notice in the girls skills is such a pleasure to experience.

We have tried to capture photos of all the girls, but unfortunately we couldn't tell who was the swimmer in some of the photos - particularly when they were under the water!
Next week we will capture the girls we haven't got this time.
If you can see your daughter and we have the wrong child, please let us know.



Thursday, 24 October 2013

Happy Birthday Keira

It was wonderful to celebrate Keira's birthday today.
She is such a special friend to all the girls.

Have a lovely dinner tonight with your family!

A visit to the dental van

Yesterday we were invited by the Dental Therapists to visit the van. Anika, the therapist 
explained to the girls that once they start in Year One, they will get a turn to come to the 
van to have their teeth checked.

We were surprised that all the girls wanted to visit the van and for some, to sit in the dental 
seat and go up and down and back and forward. 
Not all the girls were keen to have a turn!

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

What have we been up to....

Each day in the Foundation Class provides so many learning experiences and opportunities
to make friends and enjoy each others company.

Here are a few photos of the girls at work.


Welcome Assembly

It was the first Monday morning assembly that our new girls had attended and to be expected to go up and receive your Welcome certificate was a big ask.

We were all pleasantly surprised when the girls stood up and confidently 
received their certificates from Mrs McRae and then stood in front of everybody.
Well done girls!


Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Another Wonderful Day

Today we began our maths work together on patterns. The group working with Mrs Bayes looked at number patterns; Miss Lambert's group worked with the treasure box and sorted things into groups of things that were the same and different. This led to adding and talking about numbers.
We find that providing children with 'concrete' experiences to explore, handle and manipulate, helps children to get a deeper understanding of the concepts we are working on.

Digging up the fish that we buried was a highlight and it smelt really bad!
We noticed that it had got smaller since the last time we looked.
When we buried the fish there had been a lot of discussion about where the fishes body would go.
During the discussion, the girls remembered that the fishes body 
remains in the ground and would turn into soil over time, 
but the fishes' soul had gone to heaven.
Children find death a fascinating subject and as teachers we can struggle to answer some of the
deep questions that they ask.

The children took a great interest in the worms we found as we dug up the hole the fish was in.
Luca excitedly told the other girls that her chickens just LOVE worms. 
We collected some up but we aren't sure where they got to!