Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Mme Alpe nous teachs une chanson de l'arbre ...

Mme Alpe a enseigné les filles une chanson sur les arbres et les filles se portent bien 
à l'apprentissage des mots français pour les différentes parties d'un arbre
Nous espérons que vous apprécierez leur chant et actions.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Music and Movement

Every Tuesday morning the children attend Music with Mrs Harford. 
They have been learning lots of new action songs and 
how important it is to move in time with the music.
One of their favourite songs is about a 'sleeping princess'. 

It was wonderful to see the joy on the girls faces as they listened to the lyrics in the songs.

The girls enjoyed marching around the room as they kept to the beat of the music.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

The Wishing Flower

Since our visit last week to the fairy grotto on Mt St John the girls were delighted to see 
that a Lily had grown. They called it the ‘Wishing Flower’ 
and we all had a turn at making a wish. 

Here are our wishes…

Féline; To be a Unicorn 
Rachel; To go to Rainbows End 
Olivia; To see Rapunzel 
Tess; To have a Rainbow Pony 
Dakota; To have a horse (surprise, surprise) 
Penny; To be a Princess 
Elizabeth; To see Aeriel 
Hollie; To have an ice cream 
Vita; Bubblegum! 
Tania; A fairy to come to my house
Grace; To turn into a fairy
Mrs Bayes; To have Monday off
Miss Lambert; To buy a house

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Spring is springing

It just wouldn't be spring without a bit of gardening.

There were some very enthusiastic gardeners yesterday. The best part may have
been getting the water from the bathroom to the plants in very small containers.
There was more water on the
floor than what finished up on the plants!

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

A warm welcome...

It is lovely to be extending a warm welcome to our new girls and their families.

Tania, Ana and Isi

Lauren, Tony and Jing and Lauren's lovely grandparents

Hollie, Craig and Lisa

Grace's dad John is over from China.