"Can you hear that sound? It's the sound of the leaves crunching."
- Charlotte
Recently, we set up a provocation of Autumn leaves at our 'making table' alongside some glue, cello tape, paper and a pestle and mortar. Due to the season which we now find ourselves in, the streets are littered with beautiful leaves and so it seemed natural to collect some of these and present them to the girls in an interesting way, for them to transform.
Several of the girls worked to create beautiful and unique pieces of artwork with the leaves.
They seemed to particularly enjoy the sensory aspects of this experience such as scrunching the leaves beneath their fingers, breaking them into tiny pieces for their compositions, as well as manipulating the leaves with the pestle and mortar.
Here are some images of Charlotte's encounter with the leaves:
We are always looking for more natural resources for the classroom, and so we encourage you to do some collecting with your daughter if you are ever visiting a farm, park or the beach etc. Items which are of particular interest are things such as shells, leaves, sticks and bark.
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