Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Why are the Bees Dying?

The girls have been watching the lovely spring flowers that are arriving in the gardens around the school and on our walks to Mt St John.

Our beautiful daffodil pictures got us talking about the stamens in the
middle and the bees that come to visit flowers to collect pollen and nectar.The girls drew daffodil pictures and we added our bee pictures to get a group picture that will be used
for the calendars this year.

We viewed a video of bees collecting pollen and nectar from the flowers and the commentator talked about how the bees were dying all around the world.

This immediately attracted the girls attention and they became very animated.

Why are the Bees dying they asked?

The girls came up with many ideas and I suggested they ask their families
for some ideas too. A little booklet was made and they families did a great job of
writing their ideas down and sending them back for us to read.

Here are some of the most popular reasons why people think the bees are dying;

Poisons and insecticides are killing them
Not enough flowers
The bees are getting a disease
People kill bees  

I asked the girls 
'What could we do to save the bees?'

The girls decided that we could grow some flowers.
Our next adventure is to go to the Garden Centre to choose
flowers and vegetables for our gardens. 

Our friend Melissa has provided us with some wild flower seeds and
we need to find a home for those too!

1 comment:

  1. Ines' family enjoyed trying to answer this "bee question"! And I love the picture of daffodils and bees. What a wonderful calendar it will be!
    Love Victoria
