We were keen to connect the girls with the work that their mums and dads had
made for them at the parents evening. We discussed the materials the parents had chosen to make their beautiful sculptures before inviting the girls to make one too.
We discussed the materials they might like to use and asked them to think about
it before they got started.
We offered dough, clay and collage materials and worked with the girls in small groups.
It wasn't easy and in particular the clay and collage materials were quite tricky.
We were impressed with the girls persistence and their concentration.
We believe that when the girls are engaged on a joint project such as we have been working
on with the eye project, they provide each other with ideas, encouragement and a sense of belonging
and connection to the group work.
In this project, the girls have also made a wonderful connection to their parents work.
Lily where is your pinny!!!!
I think that these eyes are all absolutely amazing and we, parents, could definitely have done with your help the other night. The girls' attention to detail is so inspiring. I also wanted to thank all the girls very belatedly for having myself (Ines' mummy) and Alexandra for lunch the other Friday. I was so impressed with how kind all the girls were to Alexandra - so thank you fo rmaking our visit so much fun.