Thursday, 15 May 2014

Drama on the Mountain

When we stopped at Turbo's house today, he wasn't at home. The girls decided that he was probably up on the mountain waiting for them. 
At morning tea time, I told them a story that was about a witch that lived up in 
one of the trees and she had turned Turbo into a sheep.
The story went on to include the fairies who sprinkled fairy dust all over the witch and then 
magically, Turbo turned from a sheep back into a cat. 
Just in the knick of time before the witch ate him up!

They girls were totally enthralled in the story.

A little later, I pretended to be deeply asleep.

The drama unfolded. 

The girls came up with their own story about how the witch 
had cast a spell on me and made me go to sleep. They decided that the only 
way to wake me up was to get the help of the fairies from the fairy grotto.

So they left me at the bottom of the crater and ran off to the fairy grotto.

Once they got to the fairy grotto they whispered to the fairies. They knew that if they
shouted the fairies wouldn't like it and wouldn't be able to help them.

They explained to the fairies that Mrs Bayes 
was asleep and that they couldn't wake her up and they asked the fairies to help them wake her up.

As in any fairy tale, good won out over evil and the 
fairies were able to wake me up!

We are wondering what stories you have been told about
the adventures on Mt St John today?

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