Monday, 24 June 2013

Natural Names.

Nature as a tool for literacy.

This morning the girls worked really hard to spell their names using beautiful natural materials. They were each presented with their name written in glue and carefully planned which materials to use for each letter. Next the girls began to break the materials into small intricate pieces to stick to their name. This experience required a lot of care and attention, and everyone did such a good job.

Don't they look beautiful?

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Creating a Mrs Smith Bayes Bottomley Story!

The girls are illustrating a Mrs Smith Bayes Bottomley story that they have had some input into writing. Here are some of the pictures they are currently working on.

You can see the concentration and care that the girls take with their work.
The results are quite stunning!

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

How to Make Citrus Juice.

A step by step guide by the Foundation Class.

Step 1.
Pick or buy an assortment of citrus fruit. We used tangelos, oranges and mandarins that Luca had brought in to share with us from her trees at home. Thanks Luca!
Step 2.

Next you will need to clean the fruit to remove any dirt etc.
Step 3.
Cut each piece of fruit in half.
Step 4.

You might like to have a smell of the fruit now that it has been sliced!
"It smells wonderful!" - Zoe
"It reminds me of when I eat a mandarin." - Kate
Mine smells like a flower." - Luca
"It's a tiny bit stinky. Well, strong, like lemons." - Joyce
"It's a sour smell you know." - Zoe

Step 5.
Make sure that you have a bin handy to put the squeezed citrus peels into. We didn't add our citrus scraps to our worm farm bin because the worms don't like it.
Step 6.

Now the hard work begins. Place the sliced pieces of fruit into the juicer and pull the leaver down hard to squeeze all of the juice out! Make sure that you have someone holding a jar or container to catch the juice in.
"Wow, you really have to use your muscles!" - Luca
"This is just like how they must have made juice in the olden days!" - Kate

Step 7.

Pour your freshly squeezed juice into glasses and enjoy! You might like to add a little bit of water to the juice, which is what some of the girls did.
We had a wonderful time making juice together this morning. Thank you to Luca and her family for supplying us with lots of fresh produce. We are very grateful!

Sunday, 16 June 2013

ICT with Mr Edwards.

Each Friday Mr Edwards joins the girls for ICT. This week he introduced an App called PicPlayPost. They enjoyed performing as Mr Edwards recorded them. They watched themselves on the big screen and laughed at what they saw!

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Feeding the Cows on Mt St John.

This morning we went for our walk up to Mt St John and were delighted to see the cows eating grass in the crater.

These cows are relatively new and in the past the girls have enjoyed feeding other cows that they have befriended on the mountain.

Mrs Smith is the courageous one and gently encourages the girls to get quietly closer without frightening the cows.

It is always so rewarding to observe how the girls get more confident each week on the mountain.

Here are a few shots of the girls getting to know the new cows.