This week Kate, Eloise, Karsimar, Joyce, Luca and Keira were invited to explore some famous portraits, to look closely at them and to share their thoughts and ideas. We asked the girls questions such as, “how do you think this person is feeling?” “What do you find interesting about this painting?” “Do you have any wonderings about it?”
As you can see from the conversations below, the girls engaged in some really thoughtful dialogue. This experience also supported the girls to understand that just as these artists have, we can express ourselves and portray our subjects creatively, through many different and unique styles.
Artist: Vincent Van Gogh |
“I think he looks angry! See, his face is angry.” - Joyce
“Well, I think he actually looks quite sad. Here, his mouth looks sad and the picture is painted in sad colours.” - Eloise
“Yeah, because blue is a sad colour.” - Kate
“The background reminds me of the sea.” - Eloise
“And, to me it looks a little bit like crying tears.” - Luca
Artist: Leonardo Da Vinci |
“She’s kind of smiling and kind of sad.” - Eloise
“I think she’s beautiful.” - Joyce
“The sky is grey in the background.” - Kate
“I think her hands look happy.” - Luca
“...I think sad.” - Karsimar
“She has black eyes.” - Keira
Artist: Gottfried Lindauer |
“Is she angry?” - Karsimar
“I think she looks very serious. She might be thinking about something but we don’t know.” - Eloise
“It kind of looks like she has bunny ears!” - Joyce
“Oh, they’re feathers.” - Luca
“Look at the green tattoo on her face.” - Kate
Artist: Pablo Picasso |
“She is so happy. The painting is a little bit crazy!”
- Joyce
“It looks like a rainbow!” - Eloise
“They’re very happy colours.” - Luca
“It’s a happy lady. Look at her hair, here.”
- Karsimar
“I think she’s sitting on a chair.” - Keira
“She has a star on her face! I wonder why?”
- Kate
“That’s just the way the artist painted her.” - Eloise