Thursday, 17 April 2014

It Was the Best Day!

Today we had the most wonderful day. Although there was a storm raging outside the classroom, we were warm and cosy spending our last morning of the term together.

It started with finishing off the Easter Eggs that the girls had painted yesterday.

Then we all went to visit the Year One girls who were settling into their new classroom.

After lunch the girls enjoyed an Easter Egg hunt before we began our farewell ceremony.

First to be farewelled was Mrs Chang. She has finished the requirements for her
teaching training, and will soon be a fully qualified Early Childhood teacher.
The girls had lovingly made her a card and then had told her all about it but they also
told her that she had to keep it a secret!!! Don't you just love it!

We presented her with flowers and a gift to thank her for all the kindness
and love she has shown us all over the time she has been with us.

We will miss you Iris.

 Then it was time to say goodbye to our girls who will be in Year One next term.

It is wonderful to know that you will be just next door.

Imogéne chose a perfect song to sing...

'Be kind to each other and never hurt another
and the world will be a HAPPY, HAPPY place'

Dear Scarlett, Isabella, Imogéne, Zara, Lily and Mika, 
you will always be a part of the Foundation Class.
We have loved being part of your families, both close and far away.

Much love

Mrs Bayes
Miss Lambert
Mrs Chang

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