Monday, 16 June 2014

The Statue of Liberty ... as inspiration for thinking and creating

As we continue to get inspiration from famous sculptures and we
look at landmarks around the world,
the girls have been trying their hand at drawing them.

The girls found it interesting to look at pictures on the internet of the Statue of Liberty on
Liberty Island in New York Harbour.
We talked about the sculptor being French - Frederic Bartholdi - and that it was a gift from the people of France to the people of America.

Both Dakota and Jacqui made connections with the Statue straight away.
“My mum lived there”, said Dakota
“...and my mum went to visit it when she was on her holiday without me” said Jacqui

Getting the girls to think about how the Statue has one arm up holding a torch, and one arm down holding a book, was a very difficult idea for them to grasp. They had to work very hard and have several attempts until they were satisfied with their work. We believe that supporting children to work outside their comfort zone, and stretch their thinking, helps build resilience and perseverance.
Both great attributes to have in life!

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